Eleni Kamma, Oh, for some Amusement!, Netwerk Aalst

Eleni Kamma

Eleni Kamma (°1973 Athènes) a été invitée par Netwerk à présenter son dernier film, Yar bana bir eğlence (Oh, for some Amusement!) dans une exposition individuelle.

Les idées qui sont à la base de Yar bana bir eğlence ont émergé en 2013, pendant la résidence d’Eleni Kamma à Istanbul, où elle a été témoin des manifestations civiles de Taksim Gezi Park. Avec cette réalité comme matériau source, et son expérience personnelle de citoyenne grecque et chypriote, elle crée dans son travail un espace de réflexion sur la géopolitique de l’espace post-Empire Ottoman. Le projet, qui inclut film, œuvres plastiques, performance, théâtre et activisme politique, n’a jusqu’à présent été présenté (en même temps qu’il se développait) que de manière fragmentaire.

Netwerk soutient la production de l’artiste et présente les différentes phases de ce travail sous la forme d’installations autonomes.

Eleni Kamma (°1973 Athens) has been invited by Netwerk to unfold her latest film project, Yar bana bir eğlence, (Oh, for some Amusement!) into an individual exhibition.

The ideas for Yar bana bir eğlence arose in 2013, during Eleni Kamma’s residency stay in Istanbul, where she witnessed the civil protests in Taksim Gezi Park. With this raw reality as source material, and, with her personal background as a Greek and Cypriot citizen as her driving force, she creates within her work a space for reflection on the geopolitical map of the post-Ottoman Empire. The multi-layered project, which spans the areas of film, visual art, performance, theatre and political activism, has so far (during the creation process) only been displayed fragmentarily.

Netwerk supports the artist production-wise as well as contextually in translating the various facets and episodes of the project to a new set of autonomous installations.

Netwerk, Aalst
du 19 avril au 13 juin
Vernissage le samedi 18 avril à 20h

Eleni Kamma

Parallèlement, Eleni Kamma participera au On & For Production [Edition I], initié par Auguste Orts (BE) en collaboration avec LUX (GB) and Art Brussels (BE), les 24 et 25 avril à Bruxelles.

On & For Production is conceived as a twofold event: on one hand, it provides a professional context for artists to share film projects in development in order to get conceptual and strategic feedback and to find co-producers. On the other, it is an occasion for organisations, professionals and artists who have a consolidated expertise in artistic film production, to share, discuss and disseminate different modes of working.

Eleni Kamma (BE/GR) / producer: Jubilee (BE), Joachim Koester (DK) / producer: Auguste Orts (BE), Stephen Sutcliffe & Graham Eatough (GB) / producer: LUX (GB), Isaías Griñolo (ES) / producer: Centro de Arte Dos de Mayo animeront les Professional Work Sessions, durant la journée du 25 avril. Eleni Kamma mettra l’accent sur un second volet de son projet : Yar bana bir eğlence: Seven Notes on Parrhesia.

Yar bana bir eğlence. Seven notes on parrhesia is the second part of a project whose first part, titled Oh, for some amusement!, took the form of an installation.
Oh, for some amusement! is a multi-media installation that unfolds in space and time, operating as an experimental platform where major and minor “national” narratives (within the context of contemporary nation states of the previous Ottoman Empire) come together, unfold and cross over through cinematic, theatrical and reading formats. By looking back at the moment of transition from the domination of the voice of one speaking for many in non-presentational, eastern participatory forms of spectacle (Karagoz & Ortaoyunu) to the domination of the image in representational, mass-media spectacle (first silent movies and first national cinemas — Turkish, Greek, Egyptian, etc—), the work examines how conditions of spectatorship affect questions of citizenship and social bonding today.
The single-screen (short) movie Yar bana bir eğlence. Seven notes on parrhesia. highlights how ‘parrhesia’ (the courage to speak out in public ) form the basic principle of both the Karagoz shadow theater as the Gezi Park demonstrations. The film questions how far the current (social) political protest in the states still need a theatrical form and in how far creativity and humor are an indispensable carrier in the development of the public discourse in which the ‘people’ speaks back. Yar bana bir eğlence. Seven notes on parrhesia. interweaves seven individual episodes/notes, each with its cinematographic and aesthetic approach. The raw material as it is available now, consists of genres such as documentary , theater – performance, interviews, reconstructions, found footage and historical images.
