Eleni Kamma, Emilio Lopez Menchero, So close yet so far, MUAS, Maastricht


The theme of this first MUAS is So close, yet so far. Or, in other words, things that are familiar to us seem to come from another world. The galleries are presenting artists who are close to us, and yet seem far away. They are taking the Maas-Rhine region as the starting point – an exciting region that offers a diversity of artistic milieus and debates.

Opening evening
All locations will open on Friday 8 November at 5 p.m.
After-openings party
Starting at 9 p.m., there will be a joint after-openings party in the foyer of the Theater aan het Vrijthof.
Guests will be treated to a performance by pianistcomposer Frank Bevet.
Opening hours
There are three days on which all locations will be open at the same time: during the openings weekend on Saturday 9 and Sunday 10 November and during the finissage on Saturday 7 December 2013. There are specific opening hours for each location on the other days (see the heart of the brochure).

Download the brochure : MUAS_Program


Emilio Lopez Menchero, Claquettes 2011, vidéo, son, couleurs, 8’47.

« Claquettes » est une performance qui a eu lieu le 4 juin de 22h30’ à 22h 37’, dans le cadre du festival international de performances MOMENTUM dans les bâtiments de l’ancienne brasserie Bellevue à Bruxelles.
Souvent lorsqu’on me demande « que sais-tu faire de tes dix doigts ? »,explique Emilio Lopez Menchero, je réponds en claquant des doigts le plus rapidement possible, rare chose que j’arrive à faire parfois avec une certaine virtuosité… Assis, torse nu sur un tabouret, je suis auditivement isolé du public. Je porte un casque audio très isolant acoustiquement, relié à un ipod situé dans ma poche. Un projecteur de lumière ne se concentre que sur mon torse. A Momentum, le hasard porta le choix sur la chanson « Carmela » de Camarón de la Isla, mais cela peut-être une tout autre. Je réagis spontanément au rythme de la musique en claquant mes doigts et en tapant le sol avec mes bottes à talon (prestation que je fais avec le plus de dextérité possible). Le public n’entend évidemment rien de ce que j’écoute, et moi-même je n’entends ni les réactions du public, ni même le son que je produis.(Emilio Lopez Menchero)
Claquette a également été reproduite à Bern en 2011 pour le « Festival für Aktionskunst in Bern » ainsi qu’à Madrid au Mataderos Theatre durant “AccionMAD 2012”


Eleni Kamma, GLO(W)FISH®, 2010, 3 min, 29 sec. High Definition video, color, sound, English spoken.

GLO(W)FISH® draws its inspiration from a series of 2004 Internet news about the first genetically modified house pets and the legal and ethical implications that occur from their commercial distribution. The first genetically altered house pets are ornamental fish that have been genetically modified in order to glow in the dark. Their trademark is Glofish®. The video elaborates on the complex set of relations between science, value and ornament (ornamental fish).
In GLO(W)FISH®, the relation between image and language is not linear. On the contrary, the production of meaning occurs through the gaps and ruptures between visual and textual narration. GLO(W)FISH® visual material consists of a series of shots taken in the backstages and the workspaces of a theater, one of the most emblematic places for the production of spectacle.
In the form of a recorded dialogue, four different voices exchange different parts of information concerning the topic of Glowfish; questions and answers concerning the plus and minus of the release of modified fish into the market, alternate with statements by glowfish researchers and scientists and parts of information concerning the phenomenon of glowing as examined by scientist Robert Boyle back in 1663.
