Suchan Kinoshita, Behind the curtain. Concealment and Revelation since the Renaissance. From Titian to Christo, Museum Kunstpalast, Dusseldorf

Suchan Kinoshita

Suchan Kinoshita

Suchan Kinoshita
Meaning is moist, 2006
Mixed media

Suchan Kinoshita participe à l’exposition « Behind the curtain. Concealment and Revelation since the Renaissance. From Titian to Christo » qui se tient au Museum KunstPalast à Dusseldorf du 1er octobre au 22 janvier 2017

Set against the background of the legend of the origin of mimetic painting – the tale of the contest between the ancient painters Zeuxis and Parrhasios – this thematic exhibition takes a look at the motifs of veil and curtain, thus illuminating fundamental issues of painting and fine art in general. The exhibition demonstrates the interplay between showing and concealing, revealing and veiling with a range of exclusive loans of art. The works range from Renaissance and Baroque paintings to modern and contemporary art. Alongside the key work of the exhibition, Titian’s “Portrait of Cardinal Filippo Archinto” from the Philadelphia Museum of Art, Museum Kunstpalast presents a variety of loans from international museums and private collections, including works by Giovanni Bellini, François Boucher, Max Beckmann, Arnold Böcklin, Robert Delaunay Gerhard Richter. The exhibition is curated by General Director Beat Wismer and Claudia Blümle, Professor at the Institute of Art and Visual Studies of Humboldt Universität in Berlin.

Die Ausstellung widmet sich anhand der Motive Schleier und Vorhang Grundfragen der Malerei und der bildenden Kunst. Das Wechselspiel zwischen Zeigen und Verbergen, Enthüllen und Verhüllen wird durch hochkarätige Leihgaben internationaler Museen verdeutlicht – von Tizian über Rubens bis Gerhard Richter, von der Malerei der Renaissance und des Barock über die Kunst der Moderne bis hin zur Gegenwart.
