The Board of Directors of Fundação Caixa Geral de Depósitos – Culturgest invites you to the opening of the exhibition Walter Swennen: Continuer, which will take place on 21 June at 10 pm, in Gallery 1 of the Caixa Geral de Depósitos building.
Exhibition from 22 june to 8 september 2013
Curator: Miguel Wandschneider
Guided tour by João Queiroz
Saturday, 6 July, 5 pm
Guided tour by Bruno Pacheco
Saturday, 7 September, 5 pm
Greatly admired in his own country, particularly by other artists, Walter Swennen (Brussels, 1946) is a painter who has yet to be picked up by the radars of the international art world. Since the early 1980s, when he called time on his activity as a poet in order to take up painting as his preferred means of expression, Walter Swennen has been constructing a unique oeuvre that immediately surprises us through his constant rejection of a unifying style. This exhibition encompasses the last sixteen years of his painting, a period during which the artist expanded his repertoire of formal and expressive solutions in a quite remarkable fashion. This has only been made possible by his ever keener awareness of the specific problems of painting, his ever greater mastery of the different means of expression and his deep-rooted sense of individual and creative freedom. In 1988, he wrote: “Truth lies in the words. It has once been said: ‘as stupid as a painter’. Stupidity is the name of the real with which the thinking is in dispute. Painting has to do with the real. So I keep myself busy with stupidities.”
This exhibition is organised in collaboration with the WIELS Contemporary Art Centre, in Brussels.
Monday to Friday, 11 am – 7 pm. Saturdays, Sundays and Bank Holidays, 2 pm – 8 pm.
Closed on Tuesdays. Information: +351 21 790 51 55 ·
CGD building, Rua Arco do Cego 50, 1000-300 Lisbon · Subway station: Campo Pequeno