Jacques Lizène expose au BWA Contemporary Art de Katowice en Pologne du 23 septembre au 23 novembre. Plus d’informations dans nos prochains billets.
Jeering at everything and at himself, deliberately predisposed to farce and to being pitiful
A monographic exhibition dedicated to one of the most interesting post-war Belgian artists —Jacques Lizène (born 1946, in Ougrée, Belgium). As a fluxus movement adherent, he erases the boundaries between art, in the traditional meaning of the word, and the prosaic aspects of life, creating drawings, collages, photography and video. He combines happenings, painting, experimental poetry and music. Co-incidence, spontaneity, and sense of humour are all factors included in his artistic activity. His actions resemble Dadaist games; playing art, playing with art, the art of play, which although self-mocking, become an important voice in the discussion about an artist’s place and role in society. In front of his audience, Lizène plays a magician, a shaman, a clown, who delivers tongue-in-cheek commentary on reality, the laws of physiology and the intricacies of identity.
A cette occasion paraît l’ouvrage « Jacques Lizène, remakes » co-édité par BWA Contemporary Art in Katowice / Atelier 340 Muzeum et l’Usine à Stars / galerie Nadja Vilenne. Avec des textes de Marta Lisok et Guy Scarpetta ainsi qu’un choix d’images commentés par Jean-Michel Botquin.
size: 21 x 27 cm
volume: 136 pages
edition: 1000 pieces
binding: softcover
reproductions in colour
languages: Polish/English/French
typesetting: Katarzyna Goczoł, Magdalena Piwkowska
ISBN 978-83-88254-64-2

“The fool circulates, moves, witters on about anything, laughs his head off, drinks himself blind, walks all night in the streets, dozes for an hour or two, then after a quick wash he starts again to play, messing, fooling and clowning around; he celebrates meetings with his many reliable friends, telling jokes every minute, presenting a farce every quarter of an hour, theorising on the side, never claiming or lacking anything, then again he drinks and seems to take nothing seriously, except for his very lack of seriousness. He is in turn ironical, delighted, enthusiastic, bad tempered or genial, shocking or delicate, notably when throwing himself into a tango or paso doble. He is precise or sluggish, attentive, miserable, trivial, elegant, extravagant, continually making a joke out of everything, and being stubborn to a certain extent.
His works, we clearly feel, are only a series of actions. Made freely, as if he hadn’t taken anything for himself; hence his praise of failure and defeat.”
Guy Scarpetta “A fool” (fragment)
L’ouvrage est disponible à la galerie