What else ? Les images (1)

John Murphy

John Murphy

John Murphy
A Different Constellation (Lupus) 1994
Oil on linen, 290 x 335 cm

John Murphy

Exhibition view

John Murphy

John Murphy

John Murphy
The Song of the Flesh or The Dog who Shits (Lyra), 1993
Oil on canvas, 264 x 198,5 cm.

John Murphy

Exhibition View

John Murphy

John Murphy
The Invention of the Other (Vulpecula), 1994
Oil on canvas, 264 x 198,5 cm.

What else ?

Exhibition view

Jacques Charlier

Jacques Charlier
Paysages professionnels, 1970.
Photographies N.B. et texte imprimé.
9 panneaux de 50 x 60 cm

Suchan Kinoshita

Suchan Kinoshita
Jogger Fragment 8, 2006
Technique mixte

Aglaia Konrad

Aglaia Konrad,
Boeing Over, 2003-2007
Photographies N.B. tirages argentiques sur papier baryté, 48 x 32 cm, marouflés sur aluminium, 2003-2007

What else ?

Exhibition view

Walter Swennen

Walter Swennen
Jime Dine slept here, 1990
Huile sur panneau, 122 x 110 cm

What else ?

Exhibition view

What else ?

Exhibition view

Emilio Lopez Menchero

Emilio Lopez Menchero
Trying to be Valie Export, 2016
Photographie NB marouflée sur aluminium, 105 x 135 cm
