Il faut encore voir, parmi les œuvres intéressantes, les dessins et la vidéo de Valérie Sonnier qui montrent l’image réelle ou rêvée de la maison où elle a grandi. Vide de ses habitants, envahie par la végétation, ouverte aux vents et aux fantômes. Fantasme ou réalité ? La vision qu’on a des choses est plus vraie que le réel qui nous échappe toujours. L’image est une manière de modéliser le monde autour de nous, selon nos affects. Une image pas moins « vraie » que la science ou une objectivité impossible. (Guy Duplat)

Neuf heures et demie le soir. Été
Pierre noire et cire sur papier, 123 x 210 cm
Valérie Sonnier’s (Fr) drawings and films also evoke ‘the house inside her’. It is her childhood home with its untended garden, a place ‘destined for demolition by the property developers, which obstinately seals her secrets, those of her nature and of her remembrances’. In this way Valérie Sonnier’s brilliant drawings become visualisations of the passing of time, of her life with its secrets and lies, bedrocks of any existence, but also of death. It is the uninterrupted course of an experience, which contains the substratum of another life. A past life that she tries to capture by video, like a ghost wandering around this abandoned house. As though haunted by the memory, all her works have a ‘worrying strangeness’ (Unheimliche by Sigmund Freud). It embodies an auratic form ‘which is situated between an in front of and an inside.’ The visitor is in an uncomfortable yet intense position ‘which defines our entire experience, when what looks back at us in what we see is revealed to us. (Carine Fol)